Esse projeto é um convite para quebrar o tabu. Um canal de inspiração e de informação para quem vive o luto e para quem deseja ajudar

Let’s not be hurry

When we lose someone we feel and external charge right away and even and internal charge for fast recovery. But it is important to be aware that grieving is a process and it is essential not to be hurry.

Death turns everything upside down, including time. It seems that we operate in another speed. People ask us to be calm but at the same time, they rush us to be ok. We want to be back to our routine but we don’t control our own emotions: one day we are ok, the other we are not so well. When we think we are getting better, a simple memory can take us back to ground zero.

Going through the grieving process is an emotional roller coaster. It is important to have patience and to realize that each one has a different rhythm and in this process time isn’t linear, ups and downs are regular and the best thing to do is to walk slow and with no charges.lets not be hurry_web