Inspiração - How do I feel
Reinvent life
When we lose someone it seems that we lose our own way. Things seem to stop making sense and we don’t recognize life anymore as we had done so far.
Joan Didion, American journalist and writer, describes this in a brilliant way in her book The year of magical thinking: “Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends”.
It is as if nothing and everything changed at the same time. Life goes on as it has Always been and we are not the same as we have always been.
The important is to have the exact and clear idea that the grieving process is a transformation and nota n overcoming process. It is a painful way, with no final destination, but a calling for us to reinvent our own lives.
That is why we must accept the responsibility to allow the world to change and have new versions of itself, maybe even better versions.