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The art of saying goodbye in a story of male friendship

Julian (Ricardo Darín) is an Argentinian actor who lives in Madrid with his dog Truman. He is divorced, dad of a 22 year old young man and is dying with lung cancer that spread throughout his body. When he decides that he doesn’t want to go on with the treatment, after all he can’t cure the disease, he receives the visit of an old friend who lives in Canada.

The movie Truman, by Cesc Gay from Barcelona (2015), that started in Brazil  last week, tells the story of Tomas (Javier Cámara) four day visit to Julian, who helps him to find another home for an old Bullmastiff, a dog. It is the middle age man’s farewell, so handsome, the way he remembers in a touchy moment about the physical decay and it also has more kind moments, strange and terribly funny that portrait the friendship of two man (a dog) in the face of an adversity.

Truman is a movie about the friendship of two men and death. It tackles important points about both things. It is specially real and brave when showing mundane situations that involved a profound friendship and filled with love: short dialogs, bizarre jokes, shy affection, total loyalty. But also the difficulty both had in dealing with anticipatory grieving.


Julian’s decision of gaining time through a treatment that would demand big sacrifices makes us think about extending life and the consequences that a choice about how to die, whatever it is, implies on us and the people around us. It is not easy for the one who chooses to interrupt the treatment. It is not simple for the one who takes care, loves and is responsible for the patient. It requires courage, determination and it is 100% private. Talking and thinking about it can help us a lot to understand and give support and, if something happens to us  or anyone around us, dealing with it with more wisdom and compassion.

There is also the portrait of daily issues that affect routine of the ones who face his/her own demise. In the face of death, Julian doesn’t get embarrassed about  approaching a couple of friends who pretend not to see him in a restaurant in order to avoid  an embarrassing meeting with someone they know is sick. He also doesn’t get intimidated in exchanging  a skeptical perspective he kept for a lifetime as an atheist for the honest desire to believe that there is something also afterlife. And he has the magnificence  of giving up a great partner, kind Truman, in order to ensure that he will be ok after his leaving.

Impossible not to laugh, to be touched or cry a lot with this beautiful movie.