A festa tem que continuar A jornalista Cynthia de Almeida, uma das idealizadoras deste projeto, conta como a perda do filho Gabriel mudou toda a sua compreensão sobre a vida e, dentro do luto, da importância dos rituais. Um depoimento emocionante sobre celebração, transcendência e reflexão
The five stages before dying The book On Death and Dying, written by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a revolution for the way doctors and the medicine relate to terminal patients. Launched in 1969, it is until today essential for someone who goes through all the final path with a beloved one.
Anticipatory Grieving – an essay about death What hurts more? The death of someone very close that gets seriously ill or a sudden death of someone without warning?
So much of nostalgia I lost my father a few years ago. Only then I discovered that the nostalgia has sizes. And the size of nostalgia is inversely proportional to what awakens it.
A rainy day, a sunny day Some days can be terrible for the ones who are suffering after a beloved one’s death, but there are many other things that usually help in times like this
Let’s not be hurry When we lose someone we feel and external charge right away and even and internal charge for fast recovery. But it is important to be aware that grieving is a process and it is essential not to be hurry.
It is allowed to smile Some people told us they felt guilty when all of a sudden, they had fun again. If you know this feeling, then this post is for you.
We need to shine a light After some time, people who love us will go on with their lives and it is up to us to look for some light
Reinvent life Losing someone is also to feel lost. The way out is not in overcoming but in transforming.
Missing is love that goes on It is possible to transform pain in missing. Missing is love that goes on.