Gratitude "I cannot pretend I am without fear. But my predominant feeling is one of gratitude", said Oliver Sacks in one of his four farewell essays part of this short, yet great book
Warning: fragile When we are going through a grieving process, many times we feel vulnerable and fragile. Be patient with yourself or with a friend who goes through this
I see the world from another place Feeling a "fish out of water" is just one more common reaction we have identified along the research
“When we are sad, we are pregnant with the future” The poet Rainer Maria Rilke has a famous sentence that also talks about grieving, a journey makes us reinvent life after death and that can be a transforming agent
Grieving for Buddhism Exclusive Interview: Bel Cesar speaks about Budhism, death and grieving suggest a list of books that may help
The ones we love are always inside us This is the first post of the series "How I feel". Feelings, experiences and common thoughts among those who have been through a grieving process already, beautifully ilustrated by the artist Marina Papi
See you soon, Jose Camila Goytacaz's book is a touching and sensitive narrative about the pain of the loss and also being hopefull again
Es necesario prender la luz Después de un tiempo, las personas que nos aman van a seguir con sus vidas. Nos corresponde a nosotros mismos el buscar un poco de luz.
Está permitido sonreír Algunas personas nos dijeron que se habían sentido culpables cuando, de repente, comenzaron a divertirse de nuevo. Si conoce este sentimiento, este post es para usted.
Un día de lluvia, un día de sol Algunos días pueden ser terribles para quien sufrió la pérdida de un pariente o un amigo. Sin embargo, hay muchas cosas que suelen ayudar en esos momentos.